BMC E-Bike Mountain Bike
Because the powerful motor and the playful versatility of the BMC e-bikes make big and small adventures possible that previously seemed unattainable. Suddenly you can ride your favorite tour in 3 instead of 4 hours, the gnarly multi-day trail trip with your buddies finally becomes a reality and fitness differences can be easily compensated - because ultimately it's just about one thing: the maximum riding fun!
SALE -{{UVPPercentDiscount}}%
{{#UVP}} {{UVP}} {{/UVP}} {{record.Preis}}*
{{#FreeShipping}} free shipping {{/FreeShipping}} {{^FreeShipping}} excl. shipping costs {{/FreeShipping}}
{{^onStock}}Lieferzeit: {{/onStock}}{{record.Lieferbarkeit}}
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